What is an EXPEDITION?

We believe that the concept of an expedition, where men are trained to find and take their place in life, best describes what this experience is all about. It’s an expedition for your heart and mind. A time to awaken your heart, find the path of Life and learn how to fight for your freedom. An expedition is the antithesis of a retreat. It’s not about retreating. We just couldn’t call this a retreat because the message is all about aggressively getting your heart back.

Are we going to do a bunch of military-type exercises?

Nope. But we offer optional adventure activities that are a great part of the experience and help you get a taste of adventure.

What kind of optional adventure activities?

Activities available during the weekend may include skeet shooting competition, disc golf, hiking and fishing. All are optional. For some, just being away from their phone, laptop, TV, and work will be quite an adventure by itself.

What’s going to happen when I’m there?

Well, we believe that you are going to have one of the most significant, revolutionary experiences of your life. This is not like any “men’s retreat” or men’s event that you have ever attended. We promise, no fireside acoustic guitar hand-holding “kum-ba-ya” stuff nor any over-the-top hyper-male cheerleader stuff

What kind of stuff will we do? What’s the agenda?

The agenda is purposefully on a need to know basis once you arrive at the Expedition. Arrive on Thursday evening and leave on Sunday at noon. If we told you any more, we’d have to kill you.

But I am not really a religious guy.

PERFECT! This is not about being more religious. It’s about finding our real identities written in our hearts. Believe us…NO ONE needs any more of that stuff, especially men.

But I am a religious guy.

PERFECT! We will help you trade religion for real Life and Freedom.

Is John Eldredge going to be there?

Nope. The team has been to John’s retreats and some have taken his advanced leadership training courses. Now we feel the call to bring this message to men in our part of the country. We work very closely with John and his team as allies, and the message and the flavor of the Expedition is directly styled after John’s retreats in Colorado (with his permission of course), but this is our own event.

How does the ManAlive Expedition relate to John Eldredge and Wild At Heart?

The message of the Expedition is based on the book Wild At Heart. The Expedition itself is directly modeled after the Colorado-based Wild At Heart Boot Camps put on by John Eldredge and the Ransomed Heart team.

So what is the book Wild At Heart about?

Read it or may we suggest starting with the short book “Epic” then move to “Wild At Heart”.

Should I bring a friend or should I come alone?

We highly encourage you to bring one or two friends along to the Expedition. In fact, we believe that having another man alongside will only serve to deepen the impact of the experience as well as help you when you return home. If you do attend alone, no problem. There will be opportunities to meet other men at the Expedition.

Is this a good Father-Son event?

The Expedition should not be viewed as a “father/son” event, although fathers and sons are welcome to attend the same event together if they’d like. Our recommendation, however, is that they participate in different Expeditions, at least for their first experience

What do I need to bring to the Expedition?

You will receive a detailed packing list when you register and again the week before the event. We provide all meals and a bed with sheets and towels. Bring your clothes and personal hygiene items. We highly advise bringing a journal of some kind; pens; some money for snacks, optional activities, and shirts/hats.